YOU did this! Midweek chart reveal…
WHAT THE HECK?!!! Let’s just look at this for a moment:

This is the sort of dream I never thought could come true. As a completely independent artist, producing music in my home studio and shooting videos in village halls with homemade robot costumes, it’s mind-blowing to see Obey Robots listed alongside Gorillaz, Gracie Abrams, P!nk and Adam Lambert.
All those major record labels with their big budget album campaigns and my DIY label My Big Sister Recordings just hanging out there in the midweek chart together. Why not, eh?
Dreams can come true…if you do something about them!
It took six independent albums, thousands of emails, blog posts, YouTube videos and social posts, hundreds of gigs and too many late nights at the computer to mention to get here, and of course Rat has had his own journey. Through the major label system, out the other side, and feet first back into making music and learning how much more hands-on things are when you choose to work outside the mainstream like me!
That’s just part of the story though.
None of this would have happened without the generous support of people who choose to pay for music in a culture that has made it optional.
More than anything else, it’s about the music. I think Rat and I have made something meaningful and beautiful, and as always I’ve tried to find ways to include music fans at every stage of the album-making and releasing process.
Receiving comments telling me this is the most excited some people have been about a new record in 20+ years is a huge compliment! It’s an honour to be part of the soundtrack to someone else’s life, and the outpouring of love for “One In A Thousand” is going to take some time to sink in.
When I asked Rat how he felt about this incredible result, he said:
“I was genuinely numb when you read the position out to me and it felt like I was mishearing words at the time. I can’t thank YOU the music buyers enough for all you have done to help us spread the word of the Robots.”
Hear hear. THANK YOU!!!
In the meantime, we’re on a mission to really “stick it to the man” and see if we can show those major labels what this passionate community of indie music fans can achieve.
Are you with us?
Can we keep this album in the Top 20 on Friday?
If you’d like to cast your vote for independently minded music-making and punk rock spirit, browse my shop for vinyl, CD, cassette, downloads, lyric books, pick tins, badges and tees.
All physical sales processed by Thursday lunchtime count towards the chart, with digital sales counted until midnight Thursday.
Thank you – and have a wonderful day!! You already made ours truly fantastic.