With 4 weeks to go…

It’s official: 2023 is the Year of the Robot. You heard it here first!
My Obey Robots collaboration album “One In A Thousand” will be released into the world in four weeks and one day, on Friday 24th February.
Oh my. That’s soon!
This is a super indie release on my own label, so the best way to support the album is to order direct from us. You’ll get access to the full range of music and merch – not available anywhere else! – PLUS immediate download links for four songs, with one more sent to you before 24th February.
Several items are running low: we have three limited edition vinyl colours left, signed and unsigned CDs, cassettes, signed lyric books, four tee designs, hoodies, badge packs and pick tins containing a signed bass pick from me and guitar pick from Rat!

This week in Robot land…
Miles Hunt (of The Wonder Stuff) was the first non-Robot to receive a copy of the album on vinyl. After inspiring teenage Laura to join her first band, befriending a young Rat and then introducing the two of us in 2019, it was the least we could do to say THANK YOU.
Have you heard his brilliant new solo album yet? (I sing on two songs – dreams can come true…)

What about record shops?
If you’re waiting til release day to pick up a copy of “One In A Thousand” from your local record shop, that’s very cool. Up the indies! However, as this is a super independent release it won’t be stocked unless it’s requested…by YOU.
The record is distributed through SRD, so if you tell them you want a copy they can get in touch with them and sort it out – though they won’t have access to any of the limited edition colours in the shop.
What about Bandcamp?
I still love Bandcamp, I do – but they make pre-orders very difficult. No bundling options, no clear way of categorising music and merch, no accurate way of counting sales towards the charts… My label operates out of my home studio, and I don’t currently have bandwidth to juggle inventory across two platforms. I appreciate this makes ordering from the EU a VAT-shaped problem, so I will be adding some items to Bandcamp after the first week of release.
Thanks for your understanding, and if you order from my shop and would like a complimentary Bandcamp download code sent to you, just leave me a note at checkout.
Thank you so much for supporting this album, you’re the absolute best.
Laura xxx