It’s “Our Last Christmas” (a fictional prequel to the Wham! classic)
Get your FREE copy of “Our Last Christmas” by Penfriend here or search for it wherever you listen to music online.
40 years after “Last Christmas” changed the festive singalong forever, “Our Last Christmas” is here to shed light and nuance on an innocent love story gone sour.
The fictional prequel to the biggest Christmas banger of all time, a festive tale of love, understanding and the particular resignation that, when you break a songwriter’s heart, they’re probably going to write about it.
We all get carried away sometimes, taking steps down a road that steals us further away from our true selves. That awkward, sinking feeling when we realise we’ve made a mistake, led someone on with the best intentions. The conversation where we try to explain.
Like milk left out on a hot day, love can turn so quickly to something else, and – if you’re (un)lucky enough to be dating a songwriter – you brace yourself for the inevitable lyrical backlash.
Empathy is always an option, and my fictional retelling has it in spades, as our protagonist sends her spurned lover off with openhearted wisdom as she steps into her own changed future.
It’s easier to make a cartoon of someone who hurt you than to see their side of the story – and there’s always another side to the story.
“Our Last Christmas” is proof that we can’t always get what we want, but if we try sometimes we just might get what we need.
There’s always another side to the story.
Happy holidays! xxx

Directed, shot and edited by Laura Kidd.
Produced, performed, recorded and mixed by Laura Kidd in The Launchpad, Nottingham.
With HUGE thanks and maximum respect to George Michael for 40 years of musical inspiration.
I’ve never understood the “Whamageddon” thing, I love hearing “Last Christmas” and will happily spend every December in “Whamhalla” – see you there?
It’s our last Christmas
Our last Christmas
My friends think you are trouble
But I like your leather coat
The bad boy in the kitchen
With the world in every note
It’s our last Christmas
Our last Christmas
But I don’t want you to go
Not like this
So give me one more kiss
You made a fuss of cooking
But something won’t compute
You seem to like my brother
And I think your sister’s cute
It’s our last Christmas
Our last Christmas
But I don’t want you to go
Not like this
So give me one more kiss
It’s honestly fine
We’ll be just friends
And I’ll tell my family
Promise me this
Come over and give me one last kiss
And promise you’ll write a global hit
Come over and give me one last Christmas kiss