What’s the worst that could happen?!

What’s the worst that could happen?!

Letterbox Mindfulness Process

➡️ A brief explanation of why I haven’t been posting videos via some thoughts on sustainable creative practices and getting over ourselves to be able to do the things we enjoy, beaming to you from the northernmost German island, Sylt!

Thumbnail fire image by ArthurHidden on Freepik


I’m proud and very thankful to be a fully fan-funded artist, so if you’d like to stay involved and continue to support the making of new music, writing and videos:

🎁 Get your FREE 12-track album + 31-page PDF zine of stories, photographs and artwork here.

❤️ Get immediate access to my entire digital archive (close to 200 tracks!) plus additional ongoing Member Perks by joining The Correspondent’s Club on Patreon!

🎸 Listen to my latest solo album “Exotic Monsters” and browse my back catalogue.

🎥 Watch my videos for adventures in sound & songwriting.

💬 Chat with me on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

See you soon xo

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New FREE download for 9 days only…

New FREE download for 9 days only…

Letterbox Music News

Photo taken by Laura Ward at The Apollo Project in Herne Hill, June 2009.

In the spring of 2008 I was feeling Very Cheesed Off.

“Making an album one day” had been a dream since I was 15 years old, and it didn’t seem like it was ever going to happen…

Keep reading for the full story – but first: my new live album is waiting for you!

** It’s FREE / pay what you can for the next 9 days only **

This warm and welcoming live experience includes 7 songs performed on ukulele, vocals and loop pedal PLUS very real talk about:

• my Sliding Doors moment: the songwriting crossroads I find myself at following the success of the Obey Robots album “One In A Thousand”

• 5 years on: the exciting next phase of The Correspondent’s Club

• my favourite jam – will its name ever be revealed?


• the real reason I’m still not touring…

In the spring of 2008 I was feeling Very Cheesed Off.

“Making an album one day” had been a dream since I was 15 years old, and it didn’t seem like it was ever going to happen.

Newly resident in East Dulwich/Peckham Rye, I was wandering the back streets, trying to work out what was what and what was where, when I happened across a tiny music shop. A little red instrument waved at me from the window, and I was immediately sold (read on for evidence!).

Moments later I was back in my studio flat, sitting on the bed (no sofa, no table, no room) and putting my fingers on a baffling new fretboard.

I tried a simple guitar chord shape – the one for E major / A minor / etc – and it sounded nice. I kept two fingers where they were and took one off. Also good. I put the third finger back in a new spot and wow – “Scared To Capsize” was born.

I had just bought a loop pedal, after seeing KT Tunstall’s career-changing performance on Jools Holland, and soon discovered that uke + vocals + loops worked together beautifully.

“Scared To Capsize” became a key moment of nearly 700 live sets I played over the next 11 years, and my collection of thoughtful songs written on the ukulele grew along the way.

I recorded my debut album “Disarm” the year after the ukulele brought it’s colourful cheer to my life.

In my latest livestream I decided to celebrate that journey, hence “Four Strings Good”.

Get your copy here: https://penfriendrocks.bandcamp.com/album/four-strings-good-online-gig-february-2024

Have a fabulous weekend, and thank you for supporting independent music!

Laura xxx


I’m proud and very thankful to be a fully fan-funded artist, so if you’d like to stay involved and continue to support the making of new music, writing and videos:

🎁 Get your FREE 12-track album + 31-page PDF zine of stories, photographs and artwork here.

❤️ Get immediate access to my entire digital archive (close to 200 tracks!) plus additional ongoing Member Perks by joining The Correspondent’s Club on Patreon!

🎸 Listen to my latest solo album “Exotic Monsters” and browse my back catalogue.

🎥 Watch my videos for adventures in sound & songwriting.

💬 Chat with me on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

See you soon xo

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Too late? How to find an audience in your 50s (and 40s, and 30s…)

Too late? How to find an audience in your 50s (and 40s, and 30s…)

Creativity Letterbox Process

➡️ At my December livestream, I was asked the following question by  @hitchhiker7508  : “is 55 too old to hope to build a fanbase for original music?” – here’s my answer

❤️ This video is sponsored by The Correspondent’s Club – browse membership perks here and join the journey!

Subscribe to this channel for more adventures in sound and songwriting


I’m proud and very thankful to be a fully fan-funded artist, so if you’d like to stay involved and continue to support the making of new music, writing and videos:

🎁 Get your FREE 12-track album + 31-page PDF zine of stories, photographs and artwork here.

❤️ Get immediate access to my entire digital archive (close to 200 tracks!) plus additional ongoing Member Perks by joining The Correspondent’s Club on Patreon!

🎸 Listen to my latest solo album “Exotic Monsters” and browse my back catalogue.

🎥 Watch my videos for adventures in sound & songwriting.

💬 Chat with me on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

See you soon xo

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New Year, new live album gift for YOU

New Year, new live album gift for YOU

Creativity Letterbox Music News

I have a New Year’s gift for you: a hopeful 6-song live experience with bonus track and accompanying friendly gig chat.

—> Get your copy of “Mending The Year” here – pay what you want from £0 to whatever you like!

** Limited release! This album is only available for the next 10 days – go go go! **

Last Friday I collected my most hopeful songs together to play for you, and I haven’t felt so relaxed on stage in some time.

It was fun to rework some older songs, two tracks that have rarely if ever been performed live: “Disarm” (from my 2012 album “Little Battles”) and “5000 Miles” (from 2016’s “Direction Of Travel”).

We talked about the inspiration behind my “mend the year” lyric in “Paper Thin”, my “shiny things” for 2024 and more besides. What a lovely night!

Thanks for being there live, if you were, and either way you’re very welcome to take this live album as a gift, or contribute if you’d like: https://penfriendrocks.bandcamp.com/album/mending-the-year-online-gig-december-2023

Happy New Year to all of us! Whatever you’re going through, I’m sending you my love and hopeful wishes for a great year ahead.

Warm wishes and thanks for being here!
Laura xxx

PS ✅ “5000 Miles” appears on my third She Makes War album “Direction Of Travel” and this version of the song was performed live on 29th December 2023.


I’m proud and very thankful to be a fully fan-funded artist, so if you’d like to stay involved and continue to support the making of new music, writing and videos:

🎁 Get your FREE 12-track album + 31-page PDF zine of stories, photographs and artwork here.

❤️ Get immediate access to my entire digital archive (close to 200 tracks!) plus additional ongoing Member Perks by joining The Correspondent’s Club on Patreon!

🎸 Listen to my latest solo album “Exotic Monsters” and browse my back catalogue.

🎥 Watch my videos for adventures in sound & songwriting.

💬 Chat with me on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

See you soon xo

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Mending the year (livestream invitation)

Mending the year (livestream invitation)

Letterbox Mindfulness

It’s that time of year again… and I’ll admit I find it challenging, especially this year with a very fresh, very sad family loss.

At my last livestream I said I’d set something up for the end of December, and this is as much to give me something to aim for as it is to welcome you if you’re in need of some hopeful sad songs, friendly chat and community.

Date: Friday 29th December 2023
Time: 8pm UK (turn up and chat from 7.45pm)
Entry: FREE to all, just make sure you subscribe to join the chat
Watch link: https://www.youtube.com/live/zM5tNEDElFY?si=Yo_P2_BQcnNlJIw-

The concept of being able to “mend the year” (a lyric from my 2016 song Paper Thin”) is something I picked up from Siegfried Sassoon’s 1916 anti-war poem “In The Pink”.

“For once his blood ran warm; he had pay to spend. Winter was passing; soon the year would mend.”

I try not to wish my precious moments away, but have often found myself in late November / early December wanting to skip to the end and launch fresh into the New Year. There’s something about turning the proverbial page that appeals so much to me, as arbitrary as the shift from 31st December to 1st January may be.

“Paper Thin” is a song about picking myself up after one of my worst years – 2014. Bereavements, breakups, illnesses…it was one of those years where you can’t believe yet another rubbish thing has happened, and you wonder how much more you can take. And then another rubbish thing happens.

“I’m in the wars – I blame the bad weather
A flood of tears, I drift without a shelter
Reduce my world to things that I have worked for
I lick my wounds and wonder if I can mend the year”

In the song I didn’t want to leave things to nature, as Sassoon’s poem does – how sure does he sound? “Soon the year would mend” – because I like to think I’ve got control over things (haha). Instead, I list the things I know will help me:

“I heal myself with friends and conversation
Some time alone, a sober celebration.”

It’s helpful, when I find myself thrust back into those feelings of loss, grief and sadness, to remember these lyrics come from experience. And that the feelings aren’t insignificant, but they do shift and change and feel less BIG with time.

All of which is to say: if you’re feeling less than jolly with Christmas round the corner, I get it. You’re not alone. It helps me to know that I’m not, so thanks for being here.

Jolly or not, you’re welcome at the livestream next Friday. Bring yourself, a tasty drink and a snack and any questions/comments for the live chat (you’re also welcome to stay quiet and just watch).

Warmest wishes and lots of love
Laura xxx


I’m proud and very thankful to be a fully fan-funded artist, so if you’d like to stay involved and continue to support the making of new music, writing and videos:

🎁 Get your FREE 12-track album + 31-page PDF zine of stories, photographs and artwork here.

❤️ Get immediate access to my entire digital archive (close to 200 tracks!) plus additional ongoing Member Perks by joining The Correspondent’s Club on Patreon!

🎸 Listen to my latest solo album “Exotic Monsters” and browse my back catalogue.

🎥 Watch my videos for adventures in sound & songwriting.

💬 Chat with me on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

See you soon xo

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Correspondent’s Club 013 – 19/12/23

Correspondent’s Club 013 – 19/12/23

Letterbox Music News Perks TCC

The life of a new song, something to dance to, plus a 20-page zine Q&A with photos and studio recording notes.

The only way to get access to future Correspondent’s Club releases is to become a member – browse member perks here.

Track listing:

1. Life Of The Party (rehearsal)
2. Pearlescent Brilliant Sporty Blue (posh demo)
3. Life Of The Party (posh demo)
4. Life Of The Party (phone performance)

Weathering The Storm (FREE online gig next week)

Weathering The Storm (FREE online gig next week)

Letterbox Music News

What: Join me for a weather-themed mix of Penfriend/She Makes War songs, with at least one shiny new one (probably two)!

When?: Wednesday 29th November 2023, 8pm GMT

Where: Here (tap to set a reminder)

Remember to subscribe if you’d like to join the live chat on the night xo

Hope to see you there!

Laura xxx

* PS for the kind people who always ask how they can pay to attend, there are several ways of supporting me: joining The Correspondent’s Club, buying some music/merch from my shop and/or sending me a contribution via Paypal.


I’m proud and very thankful to be a fully fan-funded artist, so if you’d like to stay involved and continue to support the making of new music, writing and videos:

🎁 Get your FREE 12-track album + 31-page PDF zine of stories, photographs and artwork here.

❤️ Get immediate access to my entire digital archive (close to 200 tracks!) plus additional ongoing Member Perks by joining The Correspondent’s Club on Patreon!

🎸 Listen to my latest solo album “Exotic Monsters” and browse my back catalogue.

🎥 Watch my videos for adventures in sound & songwriting.

💬 Chat with me on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

See you soon xo

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I said I would…

I said I would…

Letterbox Music News

During last month’s online gig I said I was going to play live more regularly – so I’m playing a completely different set of songs (including a BRAND new one – written yesterday!) next Wednesday 25th October at 8pm.

I’m calling it “Comfort Songs for Dark Days”. As the rain lashes down from a wintry sky here in Nottingham and the world news gets more sad and more scary, it feels like a good idea to keep coming together.

So, I hope you’ll join me for an hour of sad songs to make you feel better, beaming live from the cosy nook of my brand new attic studio The Launchpad*.

Entry is FREE*, the gig starts at 8pm UK time and you can set a reminder for yourself here.

After last month’s silly troll I’ve restricted commenting to subscribers only, so here’s a link to subscribe to my channel while you’re there – it all helps spread the word to other music lovers too. Thank you!

Laura xoxo

* PS for the kind people who always ask how they can pay to attend, there are several ways of supporting me: joining The Correspondent’s Club, buying some music/merch from my shop and/or sending me a contribution via Paypal.


I’m proud and very thankful to be a fully fan-funded artist, so if you’d like to stay involved and continue to support the making of new music, writing and videos:

🎁 Get your FREE 12-track album + 31-page PDF zine of stories, photographs and artwork here.

❤️ Get immediate access to my entire digital archive (close to 200 tracks!) plus additional ongoing Member Perks by joining The Correspondent’s Club on Patreon!

🎸 Listen to my latest solo album “Exotic Monsters” and browse my back catalogue.

🎥 Watch my videos for adventures in sound & songwriting.

💬 Chat with me on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

See you soon xo

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Feel the weight of the world, feel the weight of the universe

Feel the weight of the world, feel the weight of the universe

Creativity Letterbox Process

This is the last video in this little series, and this is your last chance to grab two FREE / pay what you can live albums before they disappear in a puff of glitter tomorrow night.

I wrote this song about feeling on the outside of things, confused by how light years apart people can think and act when given the same information.

“Far away, looking back from this constellation
Castaway, adrift on my own space station”

The world is at turns huge and strange, violent and terrifying, wonderful and unimaginably awe inspiring. The fact that I can beam my music from my space station to yours blows me away – thank you for being here.

This recording of “Dispensable Body” is part of my new live album “In The Many Moons”

And the song also appears on my other new live album “Encore”!

Pay what you want, from £0 to infinity, for either or both. Thank you.

Laura xxx

✅ “Dispensable Body” appears on my debut Penfriend album “Exotic Monsters”


I’m proud and very thankful to be a fully fan-funded artist, so if you’d like to stay involved and continue to support the making of new music, writing and videos:

🎁 Get your FREE 12-track album + 31-page PDF zine of stories, photographs and artwork here.

❤️ Get immediate access to my entire digital archive (close to 200 tracks!) plus additional ongoing Member Perks by joining The Correspondent’s Club on Patreon!

🎸 Listen to my latest solo album “Exotic Monsters” and browse my back catalogue.

🎥 Watch my videos for adventures in sound & songwriting.

💬 Chat with me on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

See you soon xo

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